
Baby Wildebeest Saved from the Muck

2021-05-21T11:40:12+00:00September 18th, 2015|Community News, Honeyguide News, Human-Wildlife Conflict Prevention, Other News|

Neck-deep in water and sludge, the baby wildebeest could only wait to die. On September 8, she had fallen into the Ol Joro Dam, nothing more than a tiny waterhole, but could not climb out. Fortunately, community members discovered her mucky situation and notified rangers nearby at Manyara Ranch. A whole host of community members

Community heroes and rangers lead to arrest of ruthless elephant poachers

2020-05-16T08:23:18+00:00April 4th, 2015|Baraza, Community News, Honeyguide News, Other News, Wildlife Protection|

  From the air, the grey mass appeared like a hulking rock in the middle of the riverbed. But as he circled around the figure in his Microlight, Damian Bell knew immediately that the motionless mass below was a dead elephant, its tusks missing. In the last days of December 2014, Bell, the executive director

Everybody Needs a Zungu

2020-05-16T08:22:46+00:00May 23rd, 2014|Honeyguide News|

First off, everybody asks him about his zany name. But we’ll get to that. The man otherwise known as William “Zungu” Joseph has spent more than 15 years pursuing wilderness adventures and putting out organizational bushfires. Today Zungu serves as Honeyguide’s procurement officer and as something like a jack-of-all-trades superstar. He is that unsung hero

Learn, Learn… Apply!

2020-05-16T08:22:46+00:00April 25th, 2014|Community News, Honeyguide News|

Poachers sure picked the wrong time to raid Manyara Ranch. On April 22, some 42 rangers and village game scouts had gathered at Manyara Ranch for three days of intensive joint team training in wilderness first aid, as led by the Sentinel Outdoor Institute, organized by Honeyguide Foundation, funded primarily by Big Life Foundation, with

Community Informants Key in Poacher Arrest

2020-05-16T08:22:47+00:00February 1st, 2014|Honeyguide News|

Once again community informants assisted Honeyguide Foundation in an operation that led to the arrest of a poacher in Manyara Ranch. On the night of January 29, rangers responded to information about a poachers’ camp in the Esilalei area of Manyara Ranch. Sure enough, the Honeyguide-supported team discovered the camp and set an

Enduimet: Zero Elephants Poached in 2013

2020-05-16T08:22:47+00:00January 13th, 2014|Community News, Honeyguide News|

We’ve all heard the abhorred numbers. Up to 10,000 elephants poached for their ivory per year in Tanzania. Some 66% of the pachyderm population in the Selous Game Reserve decimated in the past 4 years. One elephant killed every 15 minutes. Here is one statistic that hasn’t been reported: zero. That’s the number of elephants

Rocky & Jerry: Conservation Canine Rock Stars

2017-06-02T03:56:51+00:00November 15th, 2013|Community News, Honeyguide News|

Meet Rocky, a four-year-old German shepherd who can sniff and track down a poacher practically from the forests of West Kilimanjaro all the way to the back alleys and markets of Dar-es-Salaam. Enter his sidekick, Jerry, who is always on standby to leap into action in hot pursuit of the scent trail. With funding from

Burunge Rangers Rescue Baby Elephant

2020-05-16T08:21:08+00:00October 26th, 2013|Honeyguide News|

Elephant lovers have something to celebrate this week. On October 23, Honeyguide-supported rangers with the Burunge Wildlife Management Area (WMA) received a call from a tourist lodge about a baby elephant seemingly stuck to a tree. Immediately reporting to the scene, the highly-trained crew discovered that a female elephant, approximately 2-3 years old,

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