Management & Governance

Increasing Revenues-Generating Funds For Business

2024-11-27T08:15:16+00:00November 27th, 2024|Enterprise Development, Management & Governance|

Introduction Across the vast landscapes of Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), revenue is more than a number, and success is not just financial. Revenue serves as the backbone for communities working to balance conservation with survival. Here, pursuing financial sustainability is more than just a goal—it is a lifeline. For WMAs to survive, they must

In the realm of conservation, success isn’t just a matter of passion; it’s a matter of numbers.

2023-10-26T09:23:09+00:00October 26th, 2023|Community News, Enterprise Development, Honeyguide News, Management & Governance, News|

Introduction: In the realm of conservation, success isn't just a matter of passion; it's a matter of numbers. Imagine a simple calculation: 20+40+40+100=200. While I may not be a mathematician, even these straightforward computations reveal the essence of community-based conservation. In this blog, we delve into the crucial role of financial sustainability in creating

Improving Local Livelihoods in Burunge

2023-07-14T07:09:48+00:00July 14th, 2023|Community News, Honeyguide News, Management & Governance|

Improving local community livelihoods and habitat through  equitable governance and effective management of Burunge  Wildlife Management Area Project Background Burunge Wildlife Management Area (BWMA) is a community-owned and managed protected area in Babati District, Northern Tanzania. Spanning 28,300 hectares, it is situated near Tarangire National Park and Lake Manyara National Park, serving

Communities have the capacity to manage big businesses

2023-05-04T03:21:00+00:00May 4th, 2023|Enterprise Development, Honeyguide News, Management & Governance|

It is too common to hear, ‘Local communities do not have the skills to manage conservation areas.’ This might be somewhat true, but shouldn’t we question why this is still the situation and what’s being done to change it? Local community members are perfectly competent, and we should focus our investments here, beyond the

Adaption to the situation

2023-05-04T03:22:14+00:00February 10th, 2023|Management & Governance, News|

Across the world, new moms face the universal dilemma of finding the balance between taking care of their children, working, and day-to-day responsibilities. If you are a parent, you will probably agree that the needs of your children come before your own. It’s no different for Zainab Matumbi, an accountant from Kimbanda WMA, who has

Investing in Sustainable Solutions

2022-06-07T06:06:19+00:00June 7th, 2022|Enterprise Development, Honeyguide News, Management & Governance|

We at Honeyguide are often reminded that not all community areas can become financially sustainable, and whilst I totally understand this, I believe that many can achieve financial independence. We are a naturally optimistic organization, we have to be in order to approach such ambitious objectives and celebrate these fabulous results with our community partners.

Once upon a time there was a buffalo rescue

2021-11-30T19:22:11+00:00November 9th, 2021|Human-Wildlife Conflict Prevention, Management & Governance, News|

  Where would you like to see wildlife in Africa in thirty or fifty-plus years' time? Will our grandchildren listen to ‘once upon a time’ stories when wildlife roamed the vast plains of Africa or will we leave them the opportunity to experience it, have the ability for their soul to speak to, and touch

Listening to SAGE in Makame

2021-07-07T03:26:00+00:00June 11th, 2021|Honeyguide News, Management & Governance, News|

  “This experience was like a mirror, it made us look into ourselves like we have never done before” was a statement by an elder during a SAGE workshop held recently in Makame. We have had unexpected comments and powerful feedback from communities when they have engaged in the SAGE process. Towards the end of

Pangolin Saved From Unwanted Journey to China.

2020-10-07T14:04:16+00:00August 10th, 2020|Management & Governance, Wildlife Protection|

Maasai believe you will be blessed with a long life if you are lucky enough to see a pangolin. This extraordinary creature—the only mammal covered with scales—is one of the most sought-after items in illicit wildlife trafficking. Recently, rangers in Makame recovered a pangolin, which was destined to be trafficked, from an unpleasant demise. Upon

Building Better Leaders with Honeyguide

2020-05-16T08:23:46+00:00January 4th, 2020|Management & Governance, News|

  Transparent governance and professional management are essential elements of well-run wildlife management areas (WMAs) and similar community-based conservation bodies. Recognizing this, Honeyguide dedicates significant time and effort to building effective management and governance teams in the WMAs in which we work. In partnership with the Nature Conservancy and with funding from USAID, Honeyguide held

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