“I am so proud of you guys and well appreciate your works towards conservation, you can now go to work beyond Randilen borders as long as conservation is concerned” said the District Game Officer, Mr Serafin Bichabicha Mawanja to the village game scouts during the May day celebrations being held at the Randilen Ranger Post on the 1st May 2016.
The celebration on May day was being held by workers throughout the world and with different rallies and marches supporting of their rights. At Randilen Wildlife Management Area (RWMA), the village game scouts also held a parade showbiz in front of Monduli District Game Officer (DGO) as a guest of honor, the chairperson from the various villages, leaders from the WMA authority and the Honeyguide Chairman, Mr ole Kirimbai.
Among the highlighted achievements was the increase in village game scouts for the WMA, initially started in 2014 with 15 male scouts and in a period of 3 years they increased to 23 with 5 female scouts. Addressing the administration’s approach to tackling the wildlife poaching incidents, the Honeyguide Chairman appreciated the community participatory approach “we observed the potential of these village game scouts and have invested funds and our energy into the programs within the communities adjacent to the Randilen WMA, the Village game scouts and the community have passion and heart to protect whatever they have as long as you directly involve them” he narrated.
The DGO presented rewards to the 3 best scouts in terms of discipline, capability and commitment with 20 iron roofing sheets for the first winner, 15 for the second runner up and 10 iron sheet for third one.