

Once upon a time there was a buffalo rescue

2021-11-30T19:22:11+00:00November 9th, 2021|Human-Wildlife Conflict Prevention, Management & Governance, News|

  Where would you like to see wildlife in Africa in thirty or fifty-plus years' time? Will our grandchildren listen to ‘once upon a time’ stories when wildlife roamed the vast plains of Africa or will we leave them the opportunity to experience it, have the ability for their soul to speak to, and touch

Listening to SAGE in Makame

2021-07-07T03:26:00+00:00June 11th, 2021|Honeyguide News, Management & Governance, News|

  “This experience was like a mirror, it made us look into ourselves like we have never done before” was a statement by an elder during a SAGE workshop held recently in Makame. We have had unexpected comments and powerful feedback from communities when they have engaged in the SAGE process. Towards the end of

It’s a close call for elephant and man

2021-04-24T05:31:48+00:00April 23rd, 2021|Human-Wildlife Conflict Prevention, News|

In December 2020 a village member called Mjomba Soinge was herding his livestock home when he came across an elephant, it chased him and unfortunately caught up with him and trampled him. He survived. He was rushed to hospital and admitted with a potential medical bill of around $2000. Randilen Wildlife Management Area swiftly responded

New Recruits join the Serengeti K9 Unit

2020-10-07T14:04:26+00:00August 10th, 2020|Wildlife Protection|

The chase was on. The Serengeti canine (K9) unit was hot on the track of another poacher. Emmanuel Issak , lead handler of the K9 unit, was still a little anxious, as he had only recently received the unit’s new dogs from our partners, the African Wildlife Foundation. He not only wanted to see how

Pangolin Saved From Unwanted Journey to China.

2020-10-07T14:04:16+00:00August 10th, 2020|Management & Governance, Wildlife Protection|

Maasai believe you will be blessed with a long life if you are lucky enough to see a pangolin. This extraordinary creature—the only mammal covered with scales—is one of the most sought-after items in illicit wildlife trafficking. Recently, rangers in Makame recovered a pangolin, which was destined to be trafficked, from an unpleasant demise. Upon

Building Better Leaders with Honeyguide

2020-05-16T08:23:46+00:00January 4th, 2020|Management & Governance, News|

  Transparent governance and professional management are essential elements of well-run wildlife management areas (WMAs) and similar community-based conservation bodies. Recognizing this, Honeyguide dedicates significant time and effort to building effective management and governance teams in the WMAs in which we work. In partnership with the Nature Conservancy and with funding from USAID, Honeyguide held

Award-Winning Rangers Invited to Meet Alibaba Founder

2020-05-16T08:23:46+00:00November 11th, 2019|Honeyguide News, News, Wildlife Protection|

Honeyguide was incredibly excited to receive the news that two of our rangers, Shinini Simel and Lerumbe Kaaya, were identified as recipients of the African Ranger Award for 2019. The award, given annually on behalf of the Paradise Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to environmental conservation. Shinini, the head of the K9 Unit operating at Manyara

Saving Elephants, Simple Solutions

2020-05-16T08:23:46+00:00December 2nd, 2017|Human-Wildlife Conflict Prevention, News|

Honeyguide is working with local communities to provide simple solutions to human-wildlife conflict. Through the innovative use of basic tools and materials, Honeyguide’s Human Elephant Conflict Toolkit is enabling communities to live peacefully alongside elephants, supporting both conservation and livelihoods. Between 2009- 2014, Tanzania lost 60% of its elephant population to poaching. While most instances

Mother and Baby Elephant Rescued after Being Trapped in a Mud Hole

2020-05-16T08:23:47+00:00July 22nd, 2017|Honeyguide News, News, Wildlife Protection|

  On Wednesday, a mother elephant and her calf were rescued after being trapped for 48 hours in a six-meter-deep mud hole in Randilen WMA, Northern Tanzania. The baby elephant and her mother were spotted by the Honeyguide Aircraft on a routine aerial surveillance patrol, the pilot called in the Randilen ranger patrol

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